25 May 2021

Clearing South FaB #2

After all the hard work is done its time to get rid of the piles.  Hopefully one day in the future we can implement methods to utilize all the vegetation debris.  The constant deposit of beach trash will be harder to resolve.

The big boss making sure everything gets done correctly.

18 May 2021

Clearing South FaB #1

 Everyone is all vaccinated and hopefully we will able to head down soon.  Lots of work to get done and the list is longer than ever.  Although we haven't been able to travel, work is still getting done.  The two southern farms are still being cleared, cleaned, and planted.

10 May 2021

Fishing Rod Transport

For a town that sits on a bay, it's really hard to find fishing equipment in the stores.  Most of the fishing that gets done is with a hand-line or nets.  There are a few fishing rods around and people are very careful with them.  With all the beach and lagoon we don't have any fishing rods.  We have purchased some surf rods and reels and they are waiting to be carried down on the next trip, not shipped since even break-down surf rods are to long for shipping barrels.

Will be looking forward to family and guests sitting under our coconut trees getting some surf fishing done.

04 May 2021

New Road, New Town

 There will be a lot of changes with the new road being completed to Bluefields.  One of the changes are the new homes and towns popping up along the route.  Rumor had it that there was a new place selling really good Nacatamals so everyone decided to take a road trip to see the new asentamiento / settlement and get some Nacatamals.

The settlement had put a lot of work into building a new school so our family bought some paint and went back out and donated it to the school.