21 June 2022

South FaB after 3 Years

 These pictures were taken from the central walkway looking south.  You can see how the coconuts are growing into the cleared area of the second farm.  This is after 3 years of maintenance.

07 June 2022


    Trash on the beach at False Bluff is mostly plastic and cleaning it up takes time...but at least we can clean it up.  Once it hits the beach, once it's on land, we can walk up and down and pick it up, can remove it, can bury or burn it.  We can keep our section of beach clean and the reward makes our efforts worthwhile.

     But the biggest problem with trash, plastic or otherwise, is when it's in our water - all over the world.  That situation defies individual efforts to collect and dispose of it.  

    The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not the only water borne garbage patch but it's "...the world's largest accumulation of marine plastic, stretching 610,000 square miles or three times the size of France."

  • Animals and plants are living on world's largest accumulation of marine plastic
  • Anemones, hydroids & shrimp-like amphipods on 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch'
  • They are not only surviving but thriving on mass between California and Hawaii
  • The 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' holds an estimated 79,000 tonnes of plastic
