30 March 2021

Chap Suey!

 Chap Suey is a popular dish that can be ordered at almost every restaurant in Bluefields.  It fits well into the Caribbean cuisine and is kind of the alternative to the daily serving of gallo pinto or beans and rice.

23 March 2021

Bay Buddy

This fella has learned to hang around the docks and wait for handouts from the fishermen.  He isn't shy and always seems curious when people are loading boats.

Just checking us out before we head out to the farms.

16 March 2021

Building Supply Barrel #2

 Barrel #2 has been packed and is ready to ship down to Bluefields.  A Bluefields native who lives part time in FL has a business delivering empties and picking up and then shipping to Bluefields full ones.  He travels up and down the coast from FL to NY.  Excellent service.  Once in Bluefields he can and does usually deliver the 46" tall full barrel wherever you want it to go.  We provide him with a list of contents with photos and another for the end point delivery.  Some of what went into the barrel, rug, sheets, cookware, hardware, towel rods, ceiling fan, bathroom mirrors...and more.

The above picture shows everything that has been documented and wrapped before you start playing the Tetris packing game.

Finished and ready for pick-up.

09 March 2021

The Pandemic Pause

 Is there an end in sight?  Will the world start to normalize?  Vaccines have been taken and its hopeful the pause button will be released and the play button on the Nicaragua project will be pressed soon.  Trips have been missed and friends haven't been seen in to long.  

But the regular flights are still being cancelled and pushed back.  Even with vaccines there are still questions about testing procedures and quarantines.  The task list is long and so much needs to be done.  We will look forward to regular updates once the forward progress resumes again.

We are ready and waiting . . . 

You may have never seen a travel carry-on bag packed this way.  The above picture shows the hard to get electrical components needed for the cabins electrical systems (plus some small gifts for missed friends).  Its packed and ready to take through TSA check points.  I'm sure it will all make it through customs since it doesn't look suspicious at all . . .