In September, 1821, Nicaragua became independent from the Spanish "Captaincy General of Guatemala," a territory that went from Costa Rica up to a part of Mexico's Yucatan peninsula...and Nicaraguans have celebrated independence every September since.
Students all across the country join in the celebration of independence by marching, school by school; class level by class level. They are joined by representatives of the military, the men and women charged with protecting this independence. Regardless of recent troubles, Nicaraguans join together to celebrate who they are.
And the best students - the brightest students - lead their classmates in the parade. Hard work and superlative achievement is rewarded...and Jose, whom I've known since he was seven years old, was at the head of his class, at the head of his school's part of the parade that fills many of the streets in Bluefields.
Congratulations Jose! You earned your place in the lead. We are so very proud of you.
JOSE, 2018
Jose sent this message with the pictures:
"As every year, Nicaragua (has) its patriotic celebrations ...
And then I always marching, but this time, God gave me a lot of...intelligence and I...go with the best students. Here are these photos ... the truth that all this I owe to God, and...this was my last year that goes."