False Bluff now has a Facebook page at www.facebook.com/pages/False-Bluff/142899219245180 and you can 'like' this blog on your own Facebook page.
We've created a Facebook page to cover things that might not be happening at False Bluff but that are relevant to False Bluff and the part of Nicaragua where it lives...resources or other information that might be of interest to people curious about this part of the world.
For instance, if you land in Bluefields and want to visit False Bluff, how do you get here? Can we recommend a good and reliable boat captain? Yes, we can and we will...on our Facebook page.
And for those of you who might have visited Bluefields and been concerned about the plight of street dogs, in the (near, I hope) future we hope to be able to post on Facebook the creation of a group to take positive action on behalf of these animals.
So check out the page from time to time and see what's going on or who's being featured.