...so did tourism and Nicaragua's domestic airline, La Costena. Not really. La Costena kept a small number of flights to carry its small number of customers. But the airline cut one flight that is critical to many of us who routinely head directly from Managua to the Caribbean coast, specifically Bluefields.
La Costena has increased their number of flights including that critical flight, the second flight of the day - what is fondly known as the 'late flight' - which goes to Bluefields. That flight now seems to be available most days.
Tourism is an important part of Nicaragua's economy. Of course Nicaragua isn't the only place where tourist dollars are important. Many cities in the United States count on tourist dollars and 'the pandemic' had a devastating impact on travel and thus tourism...NYC, Charleston, San Francisco, Seattle. For some of the cities in the US that were tourism hot spots, the end of 'the pandemic' isn't seeing the increase of tourism. It's just that the reasons tourists aren't visiting have changed.
But Nicaragua has not been as directly impacted by either 'bidenomics' or safety or the lack thereof - and tourists are returning in droves. And why not. Nicaragua has it all...beautiful architecture, natural features that are pretty close to perfect...the Pacific coast on the west and the Caribbean on the east, wonderful people and it is nearly the safest country in Central America - of course no country in Central America beats El Salvador which went from about the most dangerous country in the world to the safest in the western hemisphere. But Nicaragua is probably just behind that.
This link provides a good look at tourism in Nicaragua: https://www.statista.com/outlook/mmo/travel-tourism/nicaragua#sales-channels
And this is a link to La Costena, with Corn Island at the top of the destination list and Bluefields at number 2: https://www.lacostena.com.ni/Content/Page/Destinations