People can share common ground most anywhere in the world. And when you share a working knowledge and understanding of big, complicated, bright red trucks that are designed to help save lives and property, the common ground can be pretty easy to locate.
The sort of interaction that results is surely the most effective kind of diplomacy there is.
Here the Richmonder checks out a fire and rescue unit that was donated by Russia to Bluefields, the small port city on the Caribbean coast of Nicaragua just a few miles by water from False Bluff.
On arrival, the big red truck didn't fit into the Bluefields' firehouse as the building some alteration was made to the building front, as you can see below, that enabled the truck to be moved inside.
Firefighters from different countries and different cultures joined in common appreciation of a job and its equipment.
Can you claim "busman's holiday" if there aren't any buses involved? (That's a purely rhetorical question. I know the answer already.)